Current Fundraising Opportunities
The JHS Chorus Boosters ask that each student in choir try to raise $100 each school year. This helps cover sheet music, clinicians, accompanists, busing and various expenses throughout the year. Students in show choir, show band, and tech crew have additional fundraising targets that we expect them to reach as a member of those teams. Any fundraising above and beyond the $100 goal can go towards show choir goals. Fundraising for rotational travel is run through a separate school trust and agency account. Any fundraising above and beyond the amount needed for choir and/or show choir can be paid from JHS Chorus Boosters to the school, if those funds are available.
JHS Concessions Workers & HWF Cleanup - Trip Accounts
We have the opportunity to earn profit from selling concessions JHS athletic events again this year. If student slots do not get filled, additional adults can take the student spots to help cover these events. There is also one HWF Cleanup on the sign up.
Profits will be divided equally amongst all workers and applied to CHOIR TRIP/SCHOOL fundraising targets/fees. Parents/adults who work will have their portion of profit go to their student's TRIP/SCHOOL account.
We have the opportunity to earn profit from selling concessions JHS athletic events again this year. If student slots do not get filled, additional adults can take the student spots to help cover these events. There is also one HWF Cleanup on the sign up.
Profits will be divided equally amongst all workers and applied to CHOIR TRIP/SCHOOL fundraising targets/fees. Parents/adults who work will have their portion of profit go to their student's TRIP/SCHOOL account.
RaiseRight e-Gift Cards - Choir & Show Choir Goals
e-Gift cards are available through RaiseRight! Funds raised through this program will go directly back to your student's choir and show choir fundraising goals. Friends and family can also sign up, but please have them put your student's name in the student name area.
To get signed up, go to or the RaiseRight App, and use our enrollment code. Please contact Katie Wigg at [email protected] or 605-212-2978 for the enrollment code or with any questions.
To get signed up, go to or the RaiseRight App, and use our enrollment code. Please contact Katie Wigg at [email protected] or 605-212-2978 for the enrollment code or with any questions.
Hy-Vee Cards - Choir & Show Choir Goals
Gift cards will need to be ordered and paid for ahead of time and come in $25, $50, & $100 amounts. Order cards using the link above. You must pay with a CHECK or money order made payable to JHS Choirs. Send with your student or email Mr. Parezo to arrange for pickup/delivery. Cards will not be sent home without being paid for. Students will earn 4% of each sale. So, for every $100 of gift cards, the student will earn $4 in their student account. This is an ongoing sale and continues year round. Funds go towards choir and show choir fundraising goals.
Gift cards will need to be ordered and paid for ahead of time and come in $25, $50, & $100 amounts. Order cards using the link above. You must pay with a CHECK or money order made payable to JHS Choirs. Send with your student or email Mr. Parezo to arrange for pickup/delivery. Cards will not be sent home without being paid for. Students will earn 4% of each sale. So, for every $100 of gift cards, the student will earn $4 in their student account. This is an ongoing sale and continues year round. Funds go towards choir and show choir fundraising goals.